B12 injections- Hydroxocobalamin

What are they?
B12 injections are injections that contain a synthetic form of vitamin B12, hydroxocobalamin. B12 injections are prescribed whereby a vitamin B12 deficiency is identified, whereby the body has a difficulty in absorbing vitamin B12, or to prevent a deficiency becoming prevalent. This is termed a cobalamin deficiency.
Some conditions can result in poor absorption of B12; atrophic gastritis (low stomach acid due to inflammation), gastric surgery, inflammatory bowel conditions, stomach or intestinal infections, pernicious anaemia, may be due to medications, or due to a lack of vitamin B12 in the diet.
Why is vitamin B12 important?
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin, which plays a role in the production of red blood cells, cell metabolism, the production of DNA and health of your nervous system.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency?

- Fatigue
- Heart palpitations
- Lethargy
- Headaches
- Pale skin
- Mouth ulcers
- Depression
- Irritability
- Pins and needles
How do I know if I have a B12 deficiency?
Blood tests can be carried out which will be able to identify the level of B12 in your blood.
B12 Hydroxocobalamin injections:
They start to work after the injections, but symptoms may begin to improve after a few days or weeks. B12 injections may be given every 3 months where indicated.
The injection site is given intramuscularly, often the thigh, buttocks or shoulder region.
Side effects may include-
- The site of injection may have some mild pain, swelling, itching or bruising but should resolve quickly.
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Headache
- Dizziness.

These usually go away shortly after injection.
Benefits of B12 injections:
Vitamin B12 reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, neurological disorders, problems with memory, and infertility.
Why choose Refine Aesthetics and Medical Solutions?
I am a Registered Nurse and an independent Nurse prescriber, with over 25 years clinical experience. I also work in a local General practice as an advanced nurse practitioner.
I have a level 7 diploma in injectable therapies from MATA, Harley Street London, led by leading cosmetic doctors.
FDA approved, evidence based products are used.
I am registered with the Nursing and Midwifery council, as well as a member of ACE aesthetic complications experts.
I am fully insured, and offer free no obligation consultations in a private, discreet clinic.
Contact me today to discuss!